Jack Daniels bonded 100 proof and Oliva V Melanio cigar Pairing

Eagle Rare 10 and Aging Room Nicaragua Quattro Cigar


Eagle Rare 10's mellow sweetness provides an ideal canvas for the bold flavors of the Aging Room Nicaragua Quattro. The bourbon's honeyed notes echo the cigar's hints of spice and earthiness, creating a delightful interplay that elevates the tasting experience.

Aging Room Nicaragua Quattro Cigar:

The Aging Room Nicaragua Quattro's bold character finds a worthy companion in the Eagle Rare 10 Bourbon. The cigar's peppery notes complement the bourbon's sweetness, while the cedar and cocoa undertones harmonize with the oakiness of the spirit, creating a symphony of flavors.

The Harmony of Tasting:

As you ignite the Aging Room Nicaragua Quattro and take a sip of Eagle Rare 10, allow the dance of flavors to unfold on your palate. The combination of the bourbon's smooth elegance and the cigar's robust complexity promises a pairing that transcends the ordinary, offering aficionados a sensory experience worthy of celebration. Cheers to the artistry of bourbon and cigar pairing!

Practical Tips for Tasting:

  1. Prepare Your Palate: Begin with a clean palate. Take a few sips of water to cleanse your taste buds before immersing yourself in the tasting experience.
  2. Observe the Aromas: Before lighting the cigar, savor its pre-lit aromas. Take note of the tobacco's scent and the bourbon's bouquet, allowing your senses to anticipate the forthcoming symphony of flavors.
  3. Sip, Then Smoke: Start with a sip of Eagle Rare 10 to acclimate your palate. Follow with a puff of the Aging Room Nicaragua Quattro, allowing the bourbon's initial notes to prepare your taste buds for the cigar's complexity.
  4. Alternate Sips and Puffs: Take your time. Alternate between sips of Eagle Rare 10 and draws from the Aging Room Nicaragua Quattro. Allow the flavors to intermingle, revealing new dimensions with each combination.


As you ignite the Aging Room Nicaragua Quattro and take a sip of Eagle Rare 10, allow the dance of flavors to unfold on your palate. The combination of the bourbon's smooth elegance and the cigar's robust complexity promises a pairing that transcends the ordinary, offering aficionados a sensory experience worthy of celebration. Cheers to the artistry of bourbon and cigar pairing!